The vulva is the outer part of the female genitals, which includes the labia (folds of skin), clitoris, and urethral and vaginal opening. A vulvar biopsy is a procedure performed to diagnose vulvar cancer. It involves the removal of a tissue sample for testing suspicious skin lesions on your vulva.
Biopsy of the Vulva
The vulva region is numbed with local anesthesia. During the procedure, your doctor places a colposcope (magnifying instrument) close to the vulva to inspect it. A sample of skin may be removed from the suspicious area with the help of a scalpel or cutting tool, and sent to the laboratory for analysis. Your doctor may then stitch the skin if a large section of the vulva is removed.
After the biopsy, you may experience light bleeding from the vagina and pain in the vulva that might last for one or two days. Your doctor may recommend using sanitary pads for any bleeding. You may be asked to avoid the use of tampons and douching for a week after the biopsy.