Dr Gottimukulla offers specialized care for women of all ages and stages of life providing state-of the art surgical and nonsurgical care. Her services include well-woman care, general gynecology, adolescent gynecology, menopausal issues and obstetric care.
Women’s Health
Women face a range of unique health concerns apart from the numerous ailments that affect both women and men. Women’s health is a branch of medicine that focuses on the understanding and treatment of health conditions in women. It covers a wide range of issues from gynecology and obstetrics to mental health. With the help of medical specialists, women can make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing.
Care During Menopause
Menopause is a natural process that takes place in every woman as she reaches her early forties or fifties and is characterized by physical and emotional changes. Though menopause itself needs no treatment, you may need to care to manage certain signs and symptoms. Your doctor will offer advice and discuss a range of therapeutic remedies.
Gynecologic Problems
The gynecological problems in adolescence are different from that of adults and these conditions may be caused by other disease conditions or hormonal imbalance. Teens face unique challenges and treatment measures are tailored accordingly.
Improving Sexual Health
Most sexual problems can be managed by addressing the underlying psychological or physical problems. Your doctor will engage in a detailed discussion about your problems and will perform a physical examination and certain tests to diagnose the root cause of your difficulties.
If you wish to be advised on the most appropriate treatment,
please call to schedule an appointment or Click to request an appointment online.